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Task 1
Đề bài: The table below shows the percentages of individuals under the age of 18 and over 60 in California, Utah, and Florida, as well as their average annual income and impoverished population.


Overall, Florida clearly has more older individuals than California and Utah, and residents of Florida and California possess greater incomes while having a higher percentage of the population living in poverty.

Utah has the highest percentage of young individuals under the age of 18 (28%) followed by California (17%) and Florida (16%). It is interesting to notice that Florida, which has the lowest percentage of persons under the age of 18, has the largest percentage of people aged 60 and older (23 percent), while Utah has the lowest rate (about one-third that of Florida for the same age group).

Despite having the greatest average annual income per person ($23,000) of the three states, 16 percent of California inhabitants are poor. In comparison, only 9% of Utah residents live in poverty, despite the fact that the state’s average emolument is barely $17,000.


  • Impoverish (adj): nghèo
  • possess (v): sở hữu
  • emolument (n): lương, thu nhập

Task 2
Đề bài
Computer use is rising rapidly in today’s world, to the point where it has become an accepted element of modern civilization. They may even grow smarter than humans, according to scientists. Some see it as a positive idea, while others see it as a detrimental one. Before coming to a sensible conclusion, this article would analyze the merits and downsides of such a situation.


Obviously, there are a plethora of benefits coming from this trend. One of the most significant advantages of computers is that they have made everyone’s life easier and more convenient. For example, unlike a library or an office, it is more commodious to sit at home and conduct internet research using a computer that is available 24 hours a day. Furthermore, computer technology allows workers in various nations to communicate with one another via email, online networks, and video conferencing. It provides users with the opportunity to save both time and money. Furthermore, computers have automated workplaces, education, finance, and even treatment and crime detection, all of which have been made feasible by strong computer technology.

However, there are certain drawbacks to this evolution. Most importantly, it has the potential to throw society off balance. For example, offices may be phased out in the future, and virtual online offices may take their place. As a result, people would possibly become sluggish, which is a critical issue as it concerns how humans evolve without the ability to socialize. On top of that, they are working to increase unemployment rates. Since both the efficiency and productivity of computerized robots are superior to human workforce, especially in manual labours, most of the entry-level or repetitive jobs would be replaced by machines, leading to an insurmountable number of impoverished ex-workers. This, eventually, would create immense pressure over the welfare system.

To summarize, it is a positive development for human life, but it also has negative consequences. In my opinion, as human beings are the creators of machines, it is possible to have control over the matter, with high caution.


  • detrimental (adj): xấu, tiêu cực
  • merit (n): mặt tốt, mặt tích cực
  • a plethora of: 1 số lượng đáng kể
  • commodious (adj): thoải mái như ở nhà
  • feasible (adj): hợp lý, phù hợp
  • Phase out (v): biến mất, tan biến
  • Insurmountable (adj): gần như không thể giải quyết

    Trên đây là bài mẫu đề IELTS Writing Task 1 và 2 ngày 30.11.2021. Hy vọng bài mẫu trên sẽ giúp ích được bạn trong quá trình ôn luyện IELTS. Nếu bạn có thắc mắc về bài viết hãy để lại bình luận để được giải đáp nhé!

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