The given bar graphs exhibit data on the percentage of people who owned a computer from 2002 to 2010, categorized to the total population and educational level.
Overall, computer ownership had grown over time, with heightened levels of ownership being among those with more advanced degrees.
In 2002, over a half of individuals had computers, according to the first graph, and this figure had continued to rise over time. After four years, the percentage of individuals who possessed computers surpassed 60%, and in 2010, the percentage of people who already owned computers topped a little over 70%.
The proportion of computer ownership grew with education level, as seen in the second bar graph; that is, the higher the education level, the greater the percentage of computer ownership. In 2002, for example, 15 percent of persons without a high school diploma had computers, compared to 70 percent of those with a bachelor’s degree and over 80 percent of people with a postgraduate degree. After 8 years, the similar pattern could be seen in 2010, with a large rise in the percentage of persons who had computers compared to 2002.
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- heightened levels (n): các mức độ tăng dần
Phân tích
Nhìn chung, có thể thấy rằng mức độ sở hữu máy tính của tất cả các nhóm người đều tăng theo thời gian, và người càng có trình độ văn hoá cao càng có tỷ lệ có máy tính cao hơn. Tiếp theo đó phân tích lần lượt từng biểu đồ. Biểu đồ đầu tiên không có sự lên xuống bất thường nào hết nên có thể lựa chọn ra điểm bắt đầu (2002), điểm giữa (2006) và điểm cuối (2010) để tượng trưng, không cần trình bày tất cả các số liệu. Ở biểu đồ tiếp theo, đưa ra nhận xét thể hiện mức độ sở hữu máy tính tương ứng với trình độ văn hoá. Sau đó lựa chọn các số liệu phù hợp để thể hiện điều đó: học sinh cấp 3 (15%), cử nhân (70%) và sau đại học (80%) vào năm 2002 và trình bày năm 2010 cũng có xu hướng tương tự, nhưng số liệu cao hơn.
Task 2: Human and animals
Đề bài
Many animal species are becoming extinct. Some believe countries and individuals must solve this problem, others think that human beings are more important than animals. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. |
The extinction of animals is a delicate issue that is often studied and debated. Meanwhile, some suggest that individuals and governments should take steps to protect animals, while others argue that funding should be focused on developing human values. In this paper, I will examine both sides of the debate and explain why I favor the former viewpoint.
The extinction of species is a natural process, but the rate at which it is occurring currently is not. Though the precise number is impossible to quantify, there has been a difference in the number of creatures thought to be at risk of extinction. To begin with, the mass extinction of living things has the potential to upset the ecosystem’s equilibrium; consequently, it is necessary to protect all living beings on our planet. Second, all creatures play a crucial role in the ecosystem’s food chain. For example, if a species of the bird goes extinct, it will have an impact on all other organisms that used to interact with the bird. Overhunting, poaching, deforestation, overcrowding, and intentional pollution are other major contributors to biodiversity loss. As a result, human activities are to blame for the extinction of animals; thus, people must assume full responsibility for their activities and work to conserve biodiversity.
Some individuals, on the other hand, may argue that human lives are more valuable, which cannot be refuted. Hundreds of thousands of people, for example, are malnourished and impoverished all over the world. Nevertheless, a significant portion of the budget is now allocated to initiatives that are not human-oriented, when a more prudent use of these funds would be to improve the quality of life on the planet.
To summarize, I am certain that mankind must take all necessary steps to prevent species from becoming extinct and ensure their ability to survive for future generations.