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Task 1

The table shows the income and expenditure of Brooklyn Hall, a place for hiring, over the period of three years.


The table compares statistics from Brooklyn Hall’s annual income and expenses over a three-year period.

Overall, despite the relatively noticeable increase in Total Income along with a spike from Cafe, Room Accommodation with all Fundings witness drops to some extent. Meanwhile, Expenditure surges over the given period, leading to Profit being shrunk.

Initially, room income is far larger than other sources in the first year, with 32,000 pounds earned, being more than ten-fold that from cafes. Money from the hiring room and café looks to rising by 2000 pounds in the former and 1000 pounds in the latter after a year. The financing from the local council, on the other hand, has remained constant at 20,000 pounds in the first two years, while support from other entities has decreased by 2,000 pounds from the initial statistics of 22,000 pounds. All sources of revenue decreased in the final year, however only the amount of money derived from the coffee shop increases to twice that of the first year studied.

In terms of annual expenditure, it witnessed an increase of 14.000 pounds in 3 years time. As a result, Brooklyn Hall’s profit has steadily declined from 9,000 pounds at the outset to 1,000 pounds after three years.

Phân tích

Nhin chung có thể thấy tổng thu nhập của nhà này có tăng lên theo thời gian, tuy nhiên do các chi phí cũng tăng nên dẫn đến lợi nhuận cũng bị giảm.

Đoạn body 1 phân tích những số liệu từ các cơ sở vật chất trong toà nhà (hire of rooms, cafe, funding), thể hiện sự tăng/ giảm của chúng. Tuy nhiên lưu ý đề cập những số liệu lớn, số liệu tương giống nhau và so sánh cả chiều ngang (sự tăng giảm qua các năm) và chiều dọc (hạng mục trên cao/ thấp hơn hạng mục dưới như thế nào) để giúp tổng thể bài không bị rời rạc.

Đoạn body 2 phân tích expenditure tăng lên ra sao, từ đó rút ra việc profit sẽ bị giảm sút.

Task 2

Fewer young people choose to work in farming. What are the reasons? Should young people be encouraged to do farming work?


Choosing a career has always been a topic of heated discussion. In this day and age, it is quite rare to see a young person voluntarily take up work in farming. In this essay, explanatory points about this statement would be made before drawing a rational conclusion.

Obviously, various reasons show proof of young people being reluctant to work in agricultural careers. For instance, people, especially the ones in their prime, prefer to work in a modern office environment. Specifically, people would find more comfort in working in jobs that do not require using a large amount of outdoor time and physical energy. Going on to the second point, it is worth mentioning that young people are not keen to work jobs that see physical labour as essential, even with tools and machines. Farm work is not known to be lenient in this aspect, especially under the situation where people are to work as agricultural workers.

However, encouraging young people to be more involved in farm work is a reasonable idea. First of all, the younger an individual is, the better their health and physique are. Young people, in general, would have more stamina in addition to better endurance in the working environment compared to those of older age. Meanwhile, most metropolitan areas are known to be overpopulated. The more people reside in the city, the higher the increase of pollution, as well as insufficiency in employment, would be. With more people moving to the countryside, the contribution each individual would make to the decrease of these issues would be noticeable; and thus, improve the general living standard.

In conclusion, although there are somewhat valid reasons for young people to avoid farm work, it would be beneficial both for society and the individual to work on farms with the consideration of individual circumstances.

  • Be in one’s prime (n): ở độ tuổi sung sức
  • Lenient (adj): nhẹ nhàng, thoải mái
  • Stamina (n): sức bền

Phân tích

Mở bài dẫn vào chủ đề, nêu rõ mục đích bài viết.

Đoạn body 1 giải thích lý do giới trẻ hiện nay không hứng thú với công việc làm nông: lúc trẻ thích làm việc ở môi trường năng động, không cần dùng quá nhiều sức mạnh về thể chất để có thể kiếm tiền, trong tư tưởng không coi trọng công việc đồng áng,…Mỗi ý tưởng cần được bổ sung bằng lý lẽ, dẫn chứng phù hợp.

Đoạn body 2 phân tích những lý do vì sao nên ủng hộ người trẻ làm nông: có sức khoẻ, sức bền tốt hơn so với người già, dân số ở thành phố quá đông đúc nên khuyến khích giới trẻ về quê làm nông sẽ đỡ áp lực về dân số, môi trường, số lượng việc làm,…

Kết bài tổng kết lại những ý tưởng phía trên.

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