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Task 1

Đề bài

The graph below shows information on employment rates across 6 countries in 1995 and 2005.


The column graph depicts changes in employment rates in six countries: Australia, Switzerland, Ireland, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, and the United States between 1995 and 2005.

Overall, employment rates in these nations have improved while women made significant strides in the workplace.

In most nations, it is evident that women had lower employment rates. In Australia, for example, 57 percent of men worked in 1995, but only 27 percent of women did. In Iceland, where more than 70% of males were working class, the employment rate for women was around 40% in the same period.

The improvement in employment between 1995 and 2005 is the graph’s second most prominent trend. Both men and women’s employment rates improved in all of the nations listed. The largest shift occurred in the United Kingdom, when males went up from 55% in 1995 to 73% in 10 years. Furthermore, women’s employment rates increased at a considerably faster rate in New Zealand. Over the decade, the percentage of working women increased from 25% to 42% in the United Kingdom, and from 45% to 61% in the United States. Over the last 10 years, both men and women’s wages have grown by at least 12% in these nations.

  • Stride (n): 1 bước tiến đáng kể
  • Working class (n): (thuộc về) giai cấp lao động
  • Prominent (adj): quan trọng, chiếm ưu thế
  • Occur (v): diễn ra, xảy ra

Phân tích:

Nhìn chung ta thấy tỉ lệ việc làm ở các nước đều có xu hướng tăng, và số lượng phụ nữ tham gia vào lực lượng lao động luôn thấp hơn số lượng nam giới, nhưng có bước tiến lớn qua các năm.

Sau khi phân tích xu hướng, đoạn tiếp theo so sánh số liệu giữa nam và nữ ở các nước năm 1995, trong đó nêu lên 2 nước nổi bật là Australia và Iceland. Không cần nêu hết số liệu để tránh dài dòng.

Đoạn cuối cùng đánh giá sự tăng trưởng về số liệu ở các nước từ 1995 đến 2005. Tại đây phân tích các nước còn lại (UK, New Zealand, USA), sử dụng các động từ thể hiện sự tăng ‘increase’, ‘go up’, ‘grow’ ở thì quá khứ đơn và kết nối với nhau bằng các liên từ ‘furthermore’, ‘and’.

Task 2

Đề bài

The major cities in the world are growing fast, as well as their problems. What are the problems that young people living in cities are facing? Give solutions to this.


In the expectation of a better future, a rising number of individuals are migrating to metropolitan cities, alongside with a host of problems. This essay would attempt to look at some of the issues that come with living in a city, as well as some of the steps that governments may take to enhance the quality of life for all city dwellers.

Traffic congestion is one of the most serious issues that city people face.1 Increased wasted travel time causes not only stress and exhaustion, but also affects job performance and satisfaction. On their route to and from work, city commuters frequently spend a large portion of time stuck in traffic. Another disadvantage of living in a big city is the poor air quality that has resulted from the huge increase in hazardous emissions from power plants and industrial sites in recent years.2 Communities with severe air pollution have an increased risk of lung cancer, asthma attacks, and other respiratory ailments.

There are several options that city authorities should use to address the issues listed above.3To begin, public transportation should then be improved to make it more appealing to the general population.4 Since more individuals choose to take buses or commuter trains instead of driving their own cars, the traffic problem would be effectively solved. To dissuade cars from traveling during rush hours, the government may propose collecting peak-hour tolls. On top of that, stronger restrictions should be enforced to limit harmful gas emissions and encourage the use of more ecologically friendly energy sources in order to enhance air quality in metropolitan areas.5

In conclusion, different measures might be adopted to alleviate traffic congestion and air pollution, which are the two major issues that face metropolitan living.

  • Metropolitan cities (n): thành phố lớn
  • City dweller (n): dân thành thị
  • Commuters (n): dân công sở, dân đi làm hàng ngày
  • Hazardous (adj): độc hại
  • Dissuade (v): thuyết phục việc từ bỏ 1 việc gì đó
  • Alleviate (v): giảm nhẹ